Problems on host12

I'm having problems on host12. I keep getting disconnected from ssh on my linode, and then the server seems to be detached. I can't even connect to lish.

6 Replies

Same here on Host6… But it was around 3:30PM PST

Maybe that's why I am experiencing difficulties with host 19 trying to connect using SSH after an fresh install?

Here's caker's official reply to my ticket in regards to the sporadic network outage…. at least on host6…

> We suffered packet lost this afternoon from DDoS attack


Same here on Host6… But it was around 3:30PM PST
You're on host21, not host6. The DDoS only affected hosts at Hurricane Electric (hosts9-host23).


Ahhh, that explains why I could ping it sometimes, and not connect by SSH…and why my ircd split with the network.

Thanks for the info :)



Same here on Host6… But it was around 3:30PM PST
You're on host21, not host6. The DDoS only affected hosts at Hurricane Electric (hosts9-host23).
My bad… :cry:


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