Issues with SSH

Hi all,

I just recently started having issues with SSH. I spent some time trying to get SSH tunneling up and running, but had no luck.. well that's not true I had so much luck that I could no longer get into the system. :)

So last night I decided to start from scratch again. Problem is now no matter what distro I choose (i previously used Debian) I cannot SSH in to my server after doing my initial configuration and starting up the server. I can ping my IP no problem and I don't think it's a firewall issue.

Anybody else come across this problem? Or maybe have any suggestions?



1 Reply

You can SSH to your console, rather than your server, and login, and troubleshoot.

Make sure your ssh daemon is running on startup, and, if so, that it's config file under /etc appears ok.

Also, make sure you don't have some kind of iptables firewall that might be blocking your ssh port, which is 22, I think.

Maybe that helps…


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