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Learn how Linode helps Managed Service Providers (MSPs), managed hosting providers, and others move their clients to the cloud and manage infrastructure with more ease and less cost.

Get Your Cloud Business In Shape for 2024 with James Steel.

Get Your Cloud Business In Shape for 2024

In this Partner Roundup, dive into the world of cloud computing with Jim Steel and the Akamai Partner Workout.
Partner Network
Hosting's Winning Elements | Spotlight on ChemiCloud with James Steel and Dragos Boroianu.

Hosting’s Winning Elements | Spotlight on ChemiCloud

James sits down with Dragos from ChemiCloud to talk about their journey, approach to new customers, and maintaining great customer service.
Partner Network
James Steel dressed as Santa Claus presenting the Partner Roundup for December 2023.

Shhh… Akamai Santa is Coming!

Check out the final roundup of the year containing content, news and events highlights for Technology Service Providers!
Partner Network
James Steel presents the Akamai Partner Roundup for November 2023.

Bot Defense Guide For Developers, Kubecon Interview, Hashicorp Vault Tutorial & More…

In the November Partner Roundup, James covers highlights for Service Providers, including the new Bot Defense Guide for Developers!
Partner Network
Billy Thompson and Cloud Portability - What Does it Mean, webinar featured image

Unleash Your Cloud Potential With Billy Thompson, Akamai Cloud Computing

Billy Thompson, Solutions Engineering Manager at Akamai Connected Cloud, dives into cloud computing focusing on portability.
Partner Network
Akamai Partner Roundup, October 2023, featuring James Steel.

Gaming with Robot Squid, Infrastructure-as-Code Insights, New Nomad App, Tutorials & More…

Welcome to the October round up of highlights for Development Agencies, Managed Service Providers, Digital Agencies and Managed Providers!
Partner Network

The Pulse on Portability, Black Hat Sessions, New Metadata Service, Delighting Gamers & More…

Welcome to the September round up of highlights for Development Agencies, MSPs, Digital Agencies and Managed Hosting Providers!
Partner Network
August 2023 Partner Roundup with James Steel thumbnail

Build Open Source AWS ECS, Explore Odoo, ChannelCon, Akamai CTO
Partner Network

New Cloud Sites and Services, Free Microservices Course, Kafka for Business & More!

Huge Akamai news to talk about in this month's roundup for tech service providers, plus the usual roundup for service providers!
Partner Network
Image of James Steel looking excited next to the text Akamai Partner Roundup June 2023.

Akamai’s New Dev Community, WordPress Load Testing, The Great Cloud Reset and More…

In this video, James Steel talks about the new Dev Community, WordPress Load testing, the great cloud reset, and more!
Partner Network
James Steel and the Akamai Partner Roundup for May 2023.

MSP eBook Unveiled, AWS’s Course Change, State of The Channel Report & More

In this video, Akamai Senior Partner Community Advocate - James Steel - discusses the MSP eBook, AWSS Courses, and more!
Partner Network

The MSP's Guide to Modern Cloud Infrastructure

Begin your journey into the world of the alternative cloud. Discover one of the best-kept secrets in building a modern Managed Service Provider business.
Partner Network