Linode snapshot - WordPress

I'm using the Linode backup system, and am wondering how it treats mySQL, especially when doing a snapshot. My usual practice before an WordPress upgrade is to run a snapshot. I had to restore once, and it worked fine (after I figured out that I needed to reallocate additional disk space for the restore), but I'm wondering what is actually going on when I do a backup of the active WordPress system.


2 Replies

Snapshots run at the file level. If you're running backups on a live site, I suggest you first make a file backup of your database, since a database being written as it's backed up can create an inconsistent copy.

Here's a guide on MySQL backups: … mp-utility">

Assuming your database isn't too large, you can consider setting up a cron job to create backup dumps on a schedule consistent (but before) your backups.

MySQL stores its files on the filesystem but as alexfornuto mentioned, it may or may not be exactly the same data as what's in ram depending on how busy your site is and what it's doing. Disk writes are slow and expensive so MySQL may wait awhile before it commits back to the file system.

mysqldump will do a table/row lock to make sure no other processes can add data during that time.

I'm a fan of automysqlbackup. It'll do the dirty work of dumping databases for you and rotating the backups. It's handy in case you get hacked or more likely bork something yourself (or a client) and need to go back to yesterday's data for example without having to restore a linode snapshot backup.


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