bandwith , cvs, upgrade


can we monitor our bandwith usage from linode control panel or somewhere else? (without installing any program)

Any problem installing cvs server?

Can we upgrade packet without changing the configuration or reinstalling.


4 Replies

Yes. The control panel shows the network bandwidth usage for the current month.

It is also made available as XML so you can graph it yourself.


Can we upgrade packet without changing the configuration or reinstalling.
Each Linode host only has Linodes of a given size. When you upgrade, your disk image is moved to another host (and enlarged appropriately). The Linode's IP address(es) (and possibly the matching gateway settings) change - nothing else.



Can we upgrade packet without changing the configuration or reinstalling.
Each Linode host only has Linodes of a given size. When you upgrade, your disk image is moved to another host (and enlarged appropriately). The Linode's IP address(es) (and possibly the matching gateway settings) change - nothing else.

The IP address doesn't have to change if you're moving to another host in the same datacentre - this might mean a longer wait while a slot is freed up but the IP can still be migrated across.

Things like RAM and hard disk can be added instantly, and the only thing you need to do to make use of them is reboot your Linode. Changing to another package does require a host change, like pclissold said :)

thanks for the answers.

But i have emailed these questions to the support mail twice, no reply for two days :(


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