Use Google Domains name servers with an A record pointing out to linode's public IP?

Hi, I'm migrating away from Heroku to Linode, and I started implementing SSL.

When using Heroku, I could create a CNAME record on Google Domains, to point out to Heroku's provided DNS target (for example,

Since I can't migrate everything once, I think I can't start using Linode's custom name servers instead of Google's default ones, right? Otherwise, my other DNS records (still not migrated) could stop working…

Therefore, how should I setup a record to point out to my linode? If I create an A record pointing out to the linode's public IP, can I have the guarantee that this IP is static? And, in this particular case, would I need to configure something in linode's DNS Manager?

Thank you in advance.

1 Reply

That sounds like a plan! When configuring a domain for a Linode, I'd recommend setting up the following records for serving both the bare non-www domain ( and the www subdomain (

  1. A Record with the Hostname field blank and the IP Address as the IPv4 address of your Linode
  2. A Record with the Hostname field as "www" and the IP Address as the IPv4 address of your Linode.
  3. AAAA Record with the Hostname field blank and the IP Address as the IPv6 address of your Linode.
  4. AAAA Record with the Hostname field as "www" and the IP Address as the IPv6 address of your Linode.

Your IP address will not change provided you don't initiate a migration to a different data center. Keep in mind that you'll likely need additional records to serve other subdomains and/or point to a mail server. I definitely recommend glancing through our DNS Mananger guide.


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