How do I protect accidental shutdown of my linode instance.

I am new to linode UI Coming from aws background, I would like to know if there exists such thing as ENABLE SHUTODOWN/TERMINATION PROTECTION ??

I am looking equivalent to this from aws:

<img alt="Termination Protection on AWS" src="">

Any one know about this ?? I want to provision my linode instance using terraform and want to be 100% confident that I am not messing up with my other production services.

7 Replies

We don't have shutdown or deletion protection for your Linode other than the confirmation steps in the Linode Manager, but we do keep recently deleted disks for a little while after they're removed just in case the Linode was deleted by accident.

That being said, that's a pretty good idea. I'll get it added to our internal feature request tracker so we can look into adding something like this in the future.


Linode is getting cooler everyday. Features like these would add chill to it ;)

I appreciate that this thread is kinda old but this feature would be very helpful. Hope @mjones you're able to push the request through

+1 for termination protect feature

Another+ 1 for this feature. How easily it is to delete an instance is a bit concerning. When having multiple instances, it's just 2 clicks to delete, and deleting the wrong one could make me sad.

Even adding a secondary delete confirmation dialog where you have to type the instance name, that would be helpful (this is what many services do).

This is an issue with the other feature request I opened, where having a static IP that didn't disappear when an instance is deleted. If I accidentally delete an instance, my IP will change, even if I restore it in that 2-day window. This can be frustraiting.

another +1 for this feature.

Cloud manager has a Type-to-confirm setting to protect some services from accidental deletion.

I've gone ahead and added your requests for a feature similar to this one from AWS to protect against accidental deletion via API to our internal tracking.

Thanks a lot for sharing your feedback. We always appreciate hearing ideas for improvement from our customers!


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