How do I test create/delete Linode Instance by API

I have read the create linode instance api document, I didn't found any information about how to create a fake instance for test.

If we use the api to create/delete a new linode instance, It must be based on our op strategy.

1 Reply

Hey there,

We don't offer opportunities to create "fake" Linode's for testing. All Linodes created will accrue charges for the duration of time they are on the account, even if powered off. We recommend using our $5/month Nanode for affordable testing purposes as you get acquainted.

Our Getting Started with the Linode API guide you likely used can help to familiarize you and others with the basic process of using the API. We have a host of documentation designed to make using the API easy and understandable.

We hope that helps clear things up.

Tara T
Linode Support Team


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