First Time Putty Console

Hi there,
Thanks for the guides and tutorials!
Regarding this guide:
In connecting to a Linode gateway in Putty for the first time there is:

"The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
The server's ssh-ed25519 key fingerprint is:"
The alphanumerics did not match the corresponding value in the web page:
The Putty fingerprint string in the message box looks like a colon separated binary dump in bytes, which differs from the corresponding web page value. Is there a way to ensure they are equivalent?

There's also another question regarding this note:
" ECDSA host key warning
If after verifying the authenticity of the Lish SSH gateway’s fingerprint, you receive a message indicating that the ECDSA host key differs from the key for the IP address, remove the cached IP address on your local machine. Ensure you replace with the IP address indicated by the Terminal.
ssh-keygen -R"
Being new to this lex, we assume something like
ssh-keygen -A {IP address indicated by the Terminal}
Thanks for reading!

7 Replies

Thank you for the kind words!

When you connect via LISH, you should be given the proper fingerprint that matches our documentation. If you are seeing an ssh-ed25519 message, you should be able to match it up with the ssh-ed25519 in our Lish Gateway Fingerprint. Could you provide the Lish Gateway you are connecting to, as well as the ssh-ed25519 key fingerprint you are being given?

Being new to this lex, we assume something like
ssh-keygen -A {IP address indicated by the Terminal}

It looks like Putty stores its known hosts in the Windows Registry. While others may have a different approach to this, you can delete entry in question manually from the registry. Check out TechGlimpse - Clear SSH Key Putty for a nice guide.

Hi @rmoyer, thanks for the response.
Yes sure, connecting via Putty to the Singapore Linode gets this:

The server's ssh-ed25519 key fingerprint is:
ssh-ed25519 255 4c:d1:55:68:a1:90:6c:15:9b:af:c1:f7:27:31:68:29"

The one on the web page is:

"Ed25519 SHA256:q1G1pBrLuhsUAnZ04SOYoxVthKYyLz+wA0hBAUVkKtE"


Does it really matter all that much if the gateway has to be geographically the closest?
In lieu of a possible codepage (65001?) issue, perhaps it's best to opt for one of the other Commonwealth/US centres instead?

Linode Staff

It looks like Putty is using an older format to display the server fingerprint, and an updated version is on the wish list.

I've confirmed that the fingerprint you are getting is correct, and will chat with our team about updating our docs to help out our Putty users. A quick work-around would be to use something like BitVise to perform the initial connection to the LISH gateway in order to confirm the fingerprint. From then on, you could use Putty without any issues.

Does it really matter all that much if the gateway has to be geographically the closest?

You'll want to choose the LISH gateway for the datacenter that your server is in. If you've deployed a Linode to Singapore, then you'll want to connect to to access your server via LISH. If you are using Putty, you'll see this same fingerprint mismatch for our other locations as well.

@rmoyer: Good to know, thanks for finding out!

In setting up the Linode previously, we do not recall specifying a datacentre for a region. Is it possible there is one allocated automatically, and can that be determined from the content in the browser UI?

Finally, as is evidenced by the author of this post from our previous correspondence, our friend lmstearn1 has again overstayed his welcome in the community area. Any chance of a speedy removal? (cookies reset here)


Linode Staff

Sure thing! Happy to help.

In setting up the Linode previously, we do not recall specifying a datacentre for a region. Is it possible there is one allocated automatically, and can that be determined from the content in the browser UI?

In the Classic Manger, a region was pre-selected for you already which you could change, while in the Cloud Manger you have to select one during the creation process. Either way, the Linode's dashboard will show you your Linode's current Region. If you want to change that, you can Migrate to a new data center.

Finally, as is evidenced by the author of this post from our previous correspondence, our friend lmstearn1 has again overstayed his welcome in the community area. Any chance of a speedy removal? (cookies reset here)

Oh no! I've gone ahead and disabled lmstearn1 from the Community Site. You may need to clear cookies/cache, or sign-out and sign back in again as lmstearn.

@rmoyer: Thanks for the response.
A speedier response would have been offered, but for not being able to login to this forum. Hopefully, Admin can repair it!


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