Ubuntu 18 LTS Bandwidth issue
I recently upgraded a webserver that was running in the Dallas Linode center from Ubuntu 16LTS to 18LTS. I was noticing some slower results browsing to the website to I did some speedtests on the host. I'm wondering if anyone has seen this and knows how to fix it. Here is my test process:
Run the following two linode-cli commands to build a 16LTS and 18LTS test system:
linode-cli linodes create --tags test --region 'us-central' --image 'linode/ubuntu16.04lts' --booted true --root_pass 'xxx' --label test16 --swap_size 1024 --type 'g6-nanode-1'
linode-cli linodes create --tags test --region 'us-central' --image 'linode/ubuntu18.04' --booted true --root_pass 'xxx' --label test18 --swap_size 1024 --type 'g6-nanode-1'
Once they boot log into each and run the following commands as root:
apt-get update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade
apt-get install speedtest-cli
Once the reboot is complete, login as root again and run the speedtest command using the same server (so the hops are the same) … I selected server 2300 which is Southwest Arkansas Telephone Coop only 270km from the Linode DC:
root@localhost:~# speedtest --server 2300
Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Testing from Linode (
Hosted by Southwest Arkansas Telephone Coop (Texarkana, AR) [270.85 km]: 27.63 ms
Testing download speed........................................
Download: 1209.97 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed..................................................
Upload: 264.40 Mbit/s
root@localhost:~# speedtest --server 2300
Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Testing from Linode (
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Retrieving information for the selected server...
Hosted by Southwest Arkansas Telephone Coop (Texarkana, AR) [270.85 km]: 18.792 ms
Testing download speed................................................
Download: 1517.62 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed..............................................
Upload: 4.17 Mbit/s
As you can see the upload speed on the 18LTS is conserderably slower. I'm sure this is a configuration issue, any ideas?
2 Replies
I just tested with the same problem. looks like a buggy speedtest program in 18.04.
which mentions
which links to
the speedtest.py gets symmetric upload and download speeds.
Great find on the broken speedtest in 18LTS! After removing the repo version of speedtest and installing the github version I reran the command on my webserver 18LTS and got the following:
root@localhost:~# speedtest --server 2300
Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Testing from Linode (x.x.x.x)...
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Retrieving information for the selected server...
Hosted by Southwest Arkansas Telephone Coop (Texarkana, AR) [270.85 km]: 30.369 ms
Testing download speed............................................
Download: 1684.39 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed..............................................
Upload: 1099.12 Mbit/s
It was a reporting issue and not a configuration issue.