linode not starting

hello, Linode was working normally, I restarted then was not able to boot,
I open the console and this is the error I found( can't access tty; job control turned off), I restored from backup the error remain the same, I even create a new server and restore the backup on this new Linode and the error remains the same, so please advise?.

and this is what got from linode support but did not work

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. System administration is a bit outside of our scope of support here, so our hands on assistance is a bit limited. However, I hope the information below helps guide you toward a resolution. For starters, I took a look at your Linode's console log and noticed the following message:

[ 2.360961] VFS: Mounted root (ext4 filesystem) readonly on device 8:0.

This typically indicates that your file system is in read only mode. You may be able to access your Linode through the Web Browser console and remount the file system in read/write mode. The command below may do the trick:

sudo mount -o remount, rw

The following post from our Community Questions site has further suggestions that you can take to resolve this as well.

My filesystem is read-only

We're here if you need anything else.

All the best,
Dante C.
Linode Support Team

2 Replies

There can be many reasons why a Linode is in read-only mode. These issue tend to involve an internal server issue that Linode Support is unable to investigate because we don't access our customer's servers. The below links will point you in the right direction and hopefully resolve this issue.

Make sure that your Linode is booted into Rescue Mode.

I even create a new server and restore the backup on this new Linode and the error remains the same, so please advise?.

This may be because your Linode had prior internal issue that weren't noticeable until you rebooted it. It's difficult to know when this issue occurred and your stored backups may have the same problem depending on when you last rebooted your Linode. If this is the case, you may need to use the below steps to attempt to transfer your data over to a newly created Linode.

Hello rdaniels
please can you advise what I have to transfer from the corrupted Linode?, and can I transfer from old Linode to the new Linode directly, or I have to download the files to my computer then upload them.


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