fake bill by linode

From last 4-5 months i m not using your services then why are you sending me bill each and every month.

Stop sending fake bill. If next time i got any bill from your side then then i will post your all conversation and on twitter and your community.

And links send by you in mail are not working. It's showing you are fake company and you try to cheat people.
so don't send me any bill from next time..

2 Replies

Linode Staff

The way our billing works, we invoice after customers use the services. If you believe your invoices were inaccurate, then the best way to handle that would be through a Support ticket. That way, we can review the recent invoices and discuss which services were inaccurately invoiced or not.

Linode Staff

Thanks to another member of our Community for bringing this up: I can see how there's an opportunity to address the matter of identifying fake invoices.

Our invoicing system is automatic, one that we have immense confidence in. That said, with any system like this, bugs do come up from time to time. With that in mind, I wanted to provide steps that you can take to audit your services if you think you're being invoiced too much for services.

After you've been invoiced - Check your invoices

You can find your invoices on the Account section of the Cloud Manager. Each invoice includes the following designations:

  • Description: This is what you're being invoiced for
  • From/To: This is the time when this service was on your account. We bill hourly, with a monthly cap for services that are on your account for over 28 days. Some accounts have a credit limit in place that will result in a mid-month invoice.
  • Quantity: The is the total number of hours the service was on your account in the time from the invoice covers
  • Unit Price: Every service has an hourly rate, with the exception of Object Storage. You can find the hourly rate on our pricing page.
    Amount: This is the total of the Quantity multiplied by the Unit Price.
  • Tax: Not all customers will see a tax. You can learn more about what taxes we collect on our website: Tax Information
  • Total: This will be the amount in the Amount and Tax columns added together.
    At the bottom of the invoice, you'll see The Subtotal, Tax, and then Total for the entire invoice.

Keeping track as things are happening

From your Account page again, you'll be able to see your Uninvoiced Charges*. This amount represents that if the invoice period stopped right now what amount your invoice would be. This is helpful to see if there are servers you forgot to remove or worse yet: services you don't recognize adding (solution for this is below). This amount is subject to change, as it doesn't factor in Network Transfer.

Network Transfer can be viewed via the Cloud Manager's Dashboard, under the "Monthly Network Transfer Pool" section. Network Transfer is pooled among all active services on your account and prorated, so the amounts listed on our pricing page may not be the total you're seeing for your account. You can configure threshold notifications to get emails if a Linode is surpassing expected transfer rates.

Billing Caveats

Some important caveats to what I explained above:

Object Storage: The pricing for this service is handled differently. It starts at $5 a month with 250 gigabytes of storage. Each gigabyte over 250 will be invoiced at $0.02 per gigabyte.

If My Linode is Powered Off, Will I Be Billed? Yes. We're maintaining your data while reserving space and resources for your Linode on our hosts. If you do not want to be invoiced for a service, you'll want to remove the service from your account.

Account Compromise

This is when your Linode account is compromised, not your Linode. The security of your Linode is up to you, which includes recovering from a compromise. For your Linode account, we are here to help. The first step is to contact Linode Support. We'll look to authenticate you to your account while reviewing any recent changes to account information that might have occurred as a result of a compromise. To protect your account, we recommend enabling two-factor authentication. Not only this better protect your account, but it will also remove the need for an OTP code to be used if you have not recently accessed your account.

Still have questions

If you've reviewed all of your invoices and still believe that the amount you're being invoiced for, please contact Linode Support so we can sort everything out - whether that be handling a bug in our system or providing more context around what you're seeing in your invoice.


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