How do I re-generate 2FA backup codes for logging into

How do I re-generate 2FA backup codes for logging into

If the authenticating device is stolen, or perhaps bricked because of some crass software update on the device, how does the user log back into Linode without the 2FA authenticating device?

1 Reply

I went through this recently when I broke my phone, so I know how frustrating it can be to get logged back into every place you've set up 2FA.

In this case, we can remove the 2FA for you so you can log into your account and get it set back up again with your new phone. We'd need you to send an email to letting us know and upload the following credentials to our Credential Submission Portal:

  • An image of the front and back of the payment card on file, which clearly shows the last 6 digits of the card number, the expiration date, cardholder name, and bank logos.
  • An image of the front and back of Government-issued photo ID that matches the name on the card.

I hope that helps you out!


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