AAAA Records & Subdomain Delegation


A Records - including IPv6 (doesn't work yet)
Is there any progress towards making this work?

Also, I was trying to delegate subdomain to my home server, but when the zone was rendered it came out with:


Shouldn't it be:

ip6           NS

The NS entry looked like this in DNS manager:

Name Server Subdomain TTL Default

6 Replies

The sub-domain delegation should be fixed.

We'll work on AAAA support.




We'll work on AAAA support.
Give it a shot now?




Give it a shot now?

I tried to enter 2001:470:XXXX:XXXX:: but it came up invalid. Entering 2001:470:XXXX:XXXX::0000 (which means the same address as the first one) worked.

Also, when I tried to edit an AAAA record it said "Type not found."


Also, when I tried to edit an AAAA record it said "Type not found."
Duh, my fault. That's fixed now.

Still looking into the other issue.


Mike says the regex should be fixed for the ipv6 shorthand addresses. Give it a shot.



Mike says the regex should be fixed for the ipv6 shorthand addresses. Give it a shot.

Yep, it works.

Thanks Chris!


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