Why is network transfer slow

My linode average network transfer to public speed is around 11kB/sec according to the graphs. That seems rather slow doesnt it?

5 Replies

Not really - it depends on how many users you have, their connection speeds and how much each user pulls from your Linode.

Your Linode would only show 100MB/s, for example, if it was sustaining that bandwidth at a given point in time.

In reality, if it’s hosting websites, it would probably be dealing with lots of small requests where gaps between requests would pull the average speed down, and if the requests are 10, 100kb, it wouldn’t pull that much bandwidth anyway.

User connection speeds = 10kb/s. Wow. The first dialup modems were faster than that. You are suggesting that users cant pull as fast as the server can push, and to a certain extent that may be true. But I don't buy that. Who isn't getting 3Mb/s download nowadays.

It sounds like you are asking me "how fast can a 454 c.i. engine go if there is only an teaspoon of gas in the carb?".

These graphs are of what use then?

How fast is Linode advertising their network speeds?

User connection speeds = 10kb/s. Wow. The first dialup modems were faster than that. You are suggesting that users cant pull as fast as the server can push, and to a certain extent that may be true. But I don't buy that. Who isn't getting 3Mb/s download nowadays.

If a user is on an 8Mbps connection, and the request is 250KB, they would fetch that in a quarter of a second (8Mbps = 1MB/second.) So your Linode didn’t sustain 1MB/second because it only transferred 250KB, or 2Mbps, as an average in that particular second. But it doesn’t mean it didn’t reach the speed it was capable of.

If you’re worried about network speed, why not run a test from your Linode pulling a large file from elsewhere, and vice versa - create a large file on your Linode and fetch it from elsewhere.

How fast is Linode advertising their network speeds?

40 Gbps Network In, 1000 Mbps Network Out baseline for shared CPU plans.
40 Gbps Network In, 4000 Mbps Network Out baseline for dedicated CPU plans.

If you’re worried about network speed, why not run a test from your Linode pulling a large file from elsewhere, and vice versa - create a large file on your Linode and fetch it from elsewhere.

One step ahead of you. Waiting for the graph to reflect a 2gb file download.

BTW….not worried at all. Google likes my page load speed and gives me a score of 99/100


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