How do I take snapshot

Is there such a thing available like snapshot where it takes backup of whole VM which I can restore later?

When I login I see three things, Images, Backups and Clone Linode and I am not sure which one is which.

And my 2nd question is are snapshots free? Basic idea is to create a new VM, do some work, then take snapshot and destroy VM so as to not incur cost. Then restore it when needed.

2 Replies

When I login I see three things, Images, Backups and Clone Linode and I am not sure which one is which.

Look under Backups…it's an option there.

And my 2nd question is are snapshots free?

You get one. Subsequent snapshots overwrite the previous ones. Snapshots can also be initiated through the Linode API.

Basic idea is to create a new VM, do some work, then take snapshot and destroy VM so as to not incur cost. Then restore it when needed.

I would check with support about this. Your snapshots may disappear when your Linode disappears.

-- sw

Basic idea is to create a new VM, do some work, then take snapshot and destroy VM so as to not incur cost. Then restore it when needed.

I believe this is what custom images are for. You can create an image for a Linode from its disk, pay $0.10/GB/month to store it and use that image to create a new Linode whenever you need (or multiple Linodes.)

Backups (and the included snapshot) are tied to the Linode. Delete the Linode and the backups go with it.


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