An easy question...

This should be fairly easy but I can't remember off the top of my head what the solution is, nor does searching come up with anything useful.

I have a Linux Terminal which I want shutdown at 5pm every day. So I set up a cron job to shutdown at 1700. It pops up a shutdown notice on the consoles, but doesn't display anything on the XWindows system. How do I get these console messages to show up on XWindows?


2 Replies

To receive console messages under X, you need to run xconsole:

…or something like it.

Write a pipe to redirect console message to xconsole or configure /etc/syslog.conf, you might be seeing messages sent directly to the xconsole.


This should be fairly easy but I can't remember off the top of my head what the solution is, nor does searching come up with anything useful.

I have a Linux Terminal which I want shutdown at 5pm every day. So I set up a cron job to shutdown at 1700. It pops up a shutdown notice on the consoles, but doesn't display anything on the XWindows system. How do I get these console messages to show up on XWindows?



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