How Do I Install Longview on Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux?

Linode Staff

I'm trying to install Longview however I'm receiving the following error:

Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'longview': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried.


Status code: 404 for (IP:

How can I successfully install Longview on my Linode?

7 Replies

Longview doesn't currently support AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux, however it is possible to get Longview working on either of those distributions by forcing the installer to use our CentOS 8 packages.

The simplest way to accomplish this is by pipe the installation command supplied by the Cloud Manager through sed in order to force the installer to use the packages we want.

Note: Installation script URLs can only be accessed from their unique Cloud Manager URL once. If you visit or otherwise download the installation script for your Longview client, this method will not work. In that case, simply delete and generate a new Longview client to use the new URL.

Run the following two commands to install and restart Longview. You will need to replace the URL with the Longview URL provided to you by the Cloud Manager.

curl -s | sed 's/\$DIST/centos/' | sed 's/\$REV/8/' | sudo bash

systemctl restart longview

You should begin to see your data populate in your Longview client after a minute or so.

We also have a guide on manually installing Longview for those that are interested in manual installation. Following the steps for CentOS should allow you to install longview on both Rocky and AlmaLinux.

Two suggestions:

There's a tiny typo in the above, "by pipe[sic] the installation…", should be "by piping". (OK, I did say it was tiny. :-) )

It might also be really helpful to have a link to this page in the "Install the Longview agent" section of


P.S. Also, the italicized section about "simply delete and generate a new longview client…" might also benefit from a link to

… which is exactly what happened to me (and Linode staff very helpfully pointed me at that same article).

Thank you @_Brian. I tried it using your exact method however it stalled trying to install longview. After looking at the fedora repo, linode-longview was provided for Fedora versions 17-21, so the official stopped many many versions ago.

Using the same logic as the workaround you provided, this is what worked for me (Fedora 36 using version 21 repo):

curl -s ""  | sed 's/\$REV/21/' | bash

Just to add to this thread (which was super helpful)

Longview appears to be signed with SHA-1 which has been depreciated on RHEL 9 and distributions based on it such as AlmaLinux 9.1

Easiest work around is to temporarily relax the cryptography policy using:

update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1

Run the Longview install, then once running switch back:

update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT

update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1

curl -s | sed 's/\$DIST/centos/' | sed 's/\$REV/8/' | sudo bash

update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT

worked like a charm for me on Almalinux9

We heard from someone recently that this method doesn't work for AlmaLinux 9.5 so I wanted to share the steps they took to install Longview on their system:

cd /etc/crypto-policies/modules

update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY

Next, reboot your Linode. Once things are back up and running, use these commands:

cd  /etc/crypto-policices/policies/modules

curl -s | sed 's/\$DIST/centos/' | sed 's/\$REV/8/' | sudo bash

sudo yum install linode-longview

sudo update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT

sudo systemctl status longview

I personally haven't tested this but, as I said, this worked for someone else.


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