✓ Solved

open vpn password is not working

I am tying to use the marketplace open vpn server. It gives me the
Incorrect login, even tough I typed everything in correctly. I was following along this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPKgzup2fco.

I found the issue it seems to generate a random password, not taking the one that one set one marketplace. Furthermore, I was able to find this password in usr/local/openvpn_as/init.log

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

There is a known bug that we're aware of with Open VPN not accepting passwords set during installing from our Marketplace Apps. Just as you did, this Community Post also gives a different workaround to obtain the login credentials to use in the meantime as this is being resolved. These two approaches both get you to the same goal.

If openvpn install on linode isn't working you may follow the instructions here.


This is a single command-line that will install everything you require.


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