Email on Wordpress

I am trying to setup on my Linode and want to send email using my Google Workspace account. I have tried asking Post SMTP Mailer's community (found here), but still can't seem to get it resolved. I have not gotten the exemption from Linode for SMTP, but as I am not running my own email service, I didn't think I would need to.

I just wanted to see if anyone had an similar experience with Wordpress on Linode.

Running Ubuntu on the $5 Linode Shared CPU tier.

Thanks in advanced! Any advice is helpful!

2 Replies

We use this on our Linode WP sites:

Works fine for our needs. There are other plugins out there as well.


@aidancomi writes:

I am trying to setup on my Linode and want to send email using my Google Workspace account. I have tried asking Post SMTP Mailer's community (found here), but still can't seem to get it resolved.

The email ports are blocked by default on new Linodes. See:

@aidancomi also writes:

I have not gotten the exemption from Linode for SMTP, but as I am not running my own email service, I didn't think I would need to.

That's where you're mistaken. If you have any app on your Linode that communicates with any system using ports 25, 465 or 587, you need to have Linode open those ports for your VPS. How do you think your Wordpress thingie communicates with Gmail (aka your Google Workspace account)?

-- sw


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