HDD Space

I know it's all business but I'm curious why the HD space isn't cheaper than it is currently…

Right now it'd be a travesty to buy a Linode 300 package and add 8G of space ($16/month extra) when for another $4/month you get double ram, double storage, and double bandwidth…

3 Replies

It's priced this way to make you upgrade rather than buy extra ram / disk space. That way they get to keep the same size linodes on each server.


It's priced this way to make you upgrade rather than buy extra ram / disk space. That way they get to keep the same size linodes on each server.

Yet still, if I needed something extra for just one or two months I would not be forced to upgrade. As an example, if I needed extra storage for a few weeks while I hosted a large file - a personal video of my child's birthday party perhaps - Linode provides that flexibility without forcing me to upgrade.


For extra storage, another option is to keep the files on Amazon S3. I mirror my site and backup all my Linode files there.

You can't just SFTP, though, all access to S3 is via a Web services API, scripts (like s3sync) that wrap the API or client programs (like JungleDisk) that wrap the API.


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