local host login - not working

Hi, thought I'd try Linode instead of AWS for a change.
However can't login to my instance.
I have tried powering down and resetting the password.
It doesn't work.
Also when my instance is powered down am I still paying for it.
AWS doesn't charge for instances that are powered down.

At the moment I am very unimpressed

Please help
Mike Driver

1 Reply

Linode Staff

If resetting the root password is not working, the first thing I recommend is to make sure you're using the correct username. To login using the root password, you'll need to make sure that the username is root. By default, this is the only account on a Linux system, so unless you've created others it is the only username that will work.

If you're using the correct username, and it's still not working, you can try following the instructions in this post from our Community Questions site to reset the root password manually:

If none of the above options work, you may need to rebuild your Linode in order to regain access. If you have a backup, you can then restore it to avoid data loss.

Also when my instance is powered down am I still paying for it.

It's important to note that we bill for services that are on your account, whether they're powered down or inactive. This is because we are maintaining your data and reserving resources for that Linode while it remains on your account. As soon as it is removed, the Linode will stop generating charges. If you'd like to learn more about our billing policies, I provided a few guides below:

At the moment I am very unimpressed

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