Updating a Meteor application on Linode

  1. I have a Meteor application which was written for me by a friend a long time ago and is sitting on a Linode. That friend can no longer help me. It works flawlessly but if something should go wrong I would be really stuck.
  2. A couple of years ago getting an SSL for this was sorted out by someone else involving a redirection from a second Linode. That person can't be reached.
  3. Just recently (never before) I have had Linode auto emails about high I/O rate and high CPU usage. I don't know how to troubleshoot these.

I would like help to troubleshoot the Linode issues, without compromising the running Meteor app.

I would also like help updating my Meteor application, I guess this is out of the scope of a Linode community, but you never know!

1 Reply

I'm not familiar with using a Meteor application, but I did come across this detailed guide on how to update your Meteor application and what errors to be mindful of. That being said, please make sure you back up your Linode before you make any changes. The Linode Backup Service is a great option for this, but if you're looking for a free alternative backup solution then you may find this guide on how backup your Linode particularly useful:

You may want to also reach out in Meteor's forums as there may be more knowledgeable users on this product that can provide further assistance.

  1. A couple of years ago getting an SSL for this was sorted out by someone else involving a redirection from a second Linode. That person can't be reached.

You can find our guide on generating and installing SSL certificates below:

  1. Just recently (never before) I have had Linode auto emails about high I/O rate and high CPU usage. I don't know how to troubleshoot these.

Based on what you're describing it, it sounds like you're receiving notification threshold alerts. It should look something like this:

"Your Linode has exceeded the notification threshold (1000) for disk io rate by averaging x for the last 2 hours

If this is the case, I'd like to mention that there are customizable alert thresholds for your Linode, viewable at the following page in your Cloud Manager:

If you would prefer not to get these alerts, you can simply adjust the value to something a bit higher, or disable that particular alert altogether.

The idea is that if your Linode doesn't normally use more than this, that it could alert you to a potential problem. However, if find that your usage for your CPU and disk IO is higher than expected, the following Community Questions site posts may prove useful for troubleshooting unexpected CPU and IO usage:

You may want to try logging onto your Linode during one of these periods of increased CPU usage and confirming your usage with a utility such as htop. I'd also recommend running these commands, as they might show what is causing this higher CPU usage:

#Check for processes stuck in a 'D' state :
for x in `seq 1 1 30`; do ps -eo state,pid,cmd | grep "^D"; echo "-"; sleep 2; done

#Check for steal percentages by reviewing the %steal values from the following command:
iostat 10 10

#Investigate processes using the most CPU time:
top -bn 1 | head -15


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