Unable to change Reverse DNS (even when A and AAAA are already established). What's happening?

I tried to change the Reverse DNS of my linode server but it won't let me, even when A and AAAA of the domain name that I was using were already established.

It always get that error: We were unable to perform a lookup for 'my domain name' at this time

<img alt="" src="https://i.imgur.com/GhUNEZV.png">

<img alt="" src="https://i.imgur.com/Pd50D37.png">

What am I supposed to do here?

1 Reply

That error suggests that your domain has not been purchased. I've redacted personally identifying info such as your actual domain name, but here is a more complete view of that error in context to a whois domain dig:

# whois.verisign-grs.com

No match for domain "$DOMAIN_NAME.COM".
>>> Last update of whois database: 2024-05-14T14:32:52Z <<<

This shows that although you may have created a Domain Zone in Cloud Manager, your domain has not been properly registered and therefor will not resolve through our name servers. I was able to similarly confirm this by navigating to NameCheap and seeing that your domain is not currently registered.

Since we are not a domain registrar, I've included some below:

Once you have purchased your domain name, you will need to update the nameservers in the registrar portal to the following:


For more information about getting started with Cloud DNS and how to troubleshoot DNS issues, be sure to review the following Docs below:

DNS - Getting Started:

Troubleshooting DNS:


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