✓ Solved

some issues in wordpress configuration?

hi, new to linode.
i followed the guidelines to create a linode with wordpress preconfigured.
I have a domain which has been connected to Linode by adding ns1.linode.com and ns2.linode.com to the godaddy account in name servers
once i ssh to my account in linode, i see the folder public_html in www with all the wordpress files. But the problem is that i dont see the file " .linode_credentials.txt " where i should have the credentials automaticaly created as explained here
needless to say that once i try "mywebsite.com/wp-admin" i get "page not reachable
of course this is sign that my wordpress hasnt been properly configured.
Apart creating linode with wordpress, and apart adding the linode nameservers in godaddy, what else i should do?
Thanks in advance

8 Replies

✓ Best Answer

We generally recommend using all five Linode Name Servers to help provide redundancy in case any are unavailable or under heavy workloads. Although your domain is correctly using our Name Servers, you don't appear to have any active A/AAAA records pointing your domain and www subdomain to an IP address:

whois paolobergomi.com:
Name Server: NS1.LINODE.COM
Name Server: NS2.LINODE.COM
Name Server: NS3.LINODE.COM
Name Server: NS4.LINODE.COM
Name Server: NS5.LINODE.COM

dig paolobergomi.com:

;paolobergomi.com.        IN  A

dig www.paolobergomi.com:

;www.paolobergomi.com.        IN  A

If you haven’t opted into creating DNS records during the deployment of the WordPress Linode, the following guide should be helpful for making new records:

As far as WordPress credentials are concerned, you can locate them by instead using the following command:

cat /home/$USERNAME/.credentials

These credentials will only appear once the WordPress Linode has fully finished provisioning. Any disruption including rebooting the Linode can break the installation process and may require you to deploy a new instance from the Marketplace.

some updates
-I have added in hosts, the linode server ip address to my website paolobergomi.com and www.paolobergomi.com

  • my conf file in apache2 for my website, seems ok and configured
  • apache2 is started with no errors
  • no domain or ip erros in my apache log
  • i added all the 5 ns name server of linode in my godaddy domain (under name servers section. as shown in NS Record , i read 5 ns as mentioned before. before i added only the first 2, now i added all five ns linodes servers. Not sure if this is relevant but i guess it is better to do that.
    -still i dont understand what happens. it seems that the dns is still not associatd with the ip
  • via putty, in SSH session, logged in my server linode, if i launch dig www.paolobergomi.com i can see no eerrors and the ip that i have in linode is correctly associated with mny DNS
    still i dont get what is going on here.
    Thanks in advance

Hi, is there any one who could help?

If paolobergomi.com is the real domain name, the DNS is currently misconfigured. A ping of the domain resolves to a DNS sinkhole IP (

Have you configured the domain within your Linode account and added the A/AAAA records pointing to Linode server's IP address?

regarding what you wrote here
"As far as WordPress credentials are concerned, you can locate them by instead using the following command:

cat /home/$USERNAME/.credentials
These credentials will only appear once the WordPress Linode has fully finished provisioning. Any disruption including rebooting the Linode can break the installation process and may require you to deploy a new instance from the Marketplace."

I actually do not see at all that file, even with trying to see hidden files by typing in my ssh session

ls -lva

so i assume i need to reinstall everything…unfortunately. Probably i iwll deploy another linode with marketplace /wordpress.


Thanks for specifying that, i have solved by reading the guide in Linode related to the A/AAAA record (i missed it I also added a CNAME record to redirect from www )


Thanks for specifying that, i have solved by reading the guide in Linode related to the A/AAAA record (i missed it I also added a CNAME record to redirect from www )

Another thing: I was able to update my password by entering in Mariadb from Linux.
Strangely, there was no password set for Mariadb, but inside i was able to retreive the db name i have set for wordpress, selecting the user admin. the email fiel for empty…
So i populated with a script

UPDATE wp_users SET user_email='nuovo_indirizzo_email@example.com' WHERE user_login='admin';

and set a password with another script.

UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass=MD5('nuova_password') WHERE user_login='paoloadmin';

I Did it like this, because when itried to login via lost password, I Could not receive any email even if i set it before via Mariadb script above. SO i decided to use the second script to set the password insdie the DB, directly

I restarted mariadb just to make sure, and …logged it via

I am inside my wordpress dashboard now.

IT Seems all good.
So i solved 2 issues thanks for you help to both of you. I highly appreciated.


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