Ajaxterm Web Console "Bad or Expired Console Session&am

I'm having a problem that I was wondering if anyone else was having.

I'm on a newly installed Debian 5.0 (Lenny) and haven't made any customizations since the Distribution Wizard set it up.

I can access my node via SSH normally without any problems, but whenever I try to access it with the Ajaxterm from the Linode Manager, it always just says "Bad or expired console session."

This wouldn't normally be too bad, but I'm frequently behind a firewall that blocks SSH. I've been using an SSH program on my phone, but it's small and painful to use for much. I'm in the process of migrating from Slicehost to Linode and I am able to access my Slicehost server using their Ajaxterm, so I'm thinking it's something unique to my node causing the problem.

Has anyone else seen this problem before? Thanks.

Edit: I've tried rebooting a few times and that seems to have had no impact yet. I'm not sure what my next debugging step should be.

4 Replies

Linode Staff

We tie together linode.com login sessions and the host the requests are coming from. If your ajaxterm http requests are coming from a different host, you'll get that session error.

As a work-around, set a Lish password and ssh into your host – they listen on port 22, 443, and 2200.


If your computer has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address, you may also get that error message, because manager.linode.com is running dual-stack, but console-newark.linode.com (and probably the other console-*.linode.com hosts as well) only has an IPv4 address. It would be nice if it also had an IPv6 address.

Workaround in Firefox:

Add "linode.com" to "network.dns.ipv4OnlyDomains" via about:config.


If your computer has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address, you may also get that error message, because manager.linode.com is running dual-stack, but console-newark.linode.com (and probably the other console-*.linode.com hosts as well) only has an IPv4 address.
The problem isn't with missing IPv6 addresses per se, but with the ajaxterm looking for a client address match (which is of course different).

I can imagine this will even be a problem when the hosts do get IPv6 addresses, since clients can have temporary IPv6 addresses which get changed every few hours.


The problem isn't with missing IPv6 addresses per se, but with the ajaxterm looking for a client address match (which is of course different).

I can imagine this will even be a problem when the hosts do get IPv6 addresses, since clients can have temporary IPv6 addresses which get changed every few hours.

Sure, the problem remains if you have a dynamic IP address, but my IPv6 and IPv4 addresses are static: my computer was using its IPv6 address to connect to manager.linode.com, but used its IPv4 address to connect to console-newark.linode.com. If console-newark.linode.com is reachable over IPv6, I assume both connections will be done over IPv6 and the address mismatch (IPv4 versus IPv6) will no longer occur.

It took me far too long to translate "different host" (as posted by caker) into "different IP address" and then into "IPv4 versus IPv6" :oops:


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