account credited during cancellation

Moved my hosting from Atlanta to Newark.

I prefered creating a new linode, setting it up from zero instead of migration.

For this transfer I waited for the end of the month in order not to pay for unused days of Atlanta hosting.

But I just learned that whenever you cancel one of the linodes they credit your account for the unused days. :D

I remember cancelling a hosting account with an other company at end of the month and they charged me for the next month. :x

So besides Linode's technical expertise and support I like their monetary approach.

2 Replies


I remember cancelling a hosting account with an other company at end of the month and they charged me for the next month.

My old VPS company did that.. I like the human approach that Linode use.. Its not all about the money and after all were people not numbers :D

+1 on that from me too.

i looked at linode several months ago, with a view to migrating over from slicehost: i set up a linode and played about with it for a few days and then [as usually happens with me :mrgreen: ] i got stuck on some horrendous configuration spaghetti for something or other - and went in a big huff with it all. i cancelled the linode and just assumed i'd have lost the money for that month's fee.

fast forward to yesterday, when i decided to give the 'slicehost > linode migration challenge' another go. the first pleasant surprise i got was that my old login i created when i briefly visited here before still worked, so no having to set up all my boring account details over again. the second pleasant surprise was to find i had $7,50 credit in my account, from way back when i cancelled the previous linode.

i hope that's typical of the linode way of doing business - coz i'm liking it so far!


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