How can you download (BU) a disk image?

Honestly I search here for the answer before asking such a simple question.

I see that there are post about moving you VM to a local machine does that include the key? Or isn't there a simple way to do it?


15 Replies


… does that include the key?



… does that include the key?

Hint, clue, method, example.

Still not sure I understand the question. Is this what you're looking for?


Still not sure I understand the question. Is this what you're looking for?

That is what I was hoping to NOT have to do.

Seems like a very convoluted process to just BU a disk image.

When I want to image a disk, I just do something like this:

pv /dev/sda | nc 1234

And on the receiving end:

nc -l 1234 > /foo/bar/my.img

It's about as dead-simple as it can get. Keeping in mind that all the parameters I've given here are just samples, and a linode doesn't use /dev/sda but something else (was it /dev/xva or something?)

If you want to get a bit fancier, you can pipe it through gzip (or pigz to use multiple cores) on the sending end and optionally decompress on the receiving end.


Still not sure I understand the question. Is this what you're looking for?

That is what I was hoping to NOT have to do.

Seems like a very convoluted process to just BU a disk image.


When I want to image a disk, I just do something like this:

pv /dev/sda | nc 1234

And on the receiving end:

nc -l 1234 > /foo/bar/my.img

It's about as dead-simple as it can get. Keeping in mind that all the parameters I've given here are just samples, and a linode doesn't use /dev/sda but something else (was it /dev/xva or something?)

If you want to get a bit fancier, you can pipe it through gzip (or pigz to use multiple cores) on the sending end and optionally decompress on the receiving end.

This is the type thing I was looking for thanks a million.

I'll give it a whirl.

Could you clarify what "BU" means?

I assume it's "back up", but since you just started using it without defining what it meant, I just wanted to make sure…



Could you clarify what "BU" means?

I assume it's "back up", but since you just started using it without defining what it meant, I just wanted to make sure…


Yep, BU = back up

OK, I am trying this but don't find a pv command and it is

not in the FEDORA 11man-pages in the instance I installed here.

Can anyone point me to the pv command? Is it pv inside of lvm?


Nothing to do with LVM. pv is Pipe Viewer.

Ha hahahah.

I gotta change my local firewall to do this. :lol:

Nothing to do with LVM. pv is Pipe Viewer.

Thanks. I found it while you were typing. Thanks.

'pv' pretty much does the same thing as 'cat', except it will give you some statistics on the transfer: speed, percent complete, estimated time remaining, etc.

It's very handy when doing a big operation, because it lets you know the progress.


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