Disk I/O -- What is a "bad" number?

Hullo, Linoders… Linudes… Lin…something-or-other. What DO we call ourselves, anyways?

Well, to the topic at hand. Disk I/O--it's something that I've never even really thought about before running a server, and I just don't really know much about it. What is a "good" value? "Bad?" Or does it depend on what type of Linode I have? What does it affect? Does it affect other Linodes if I have a "bad" value?

Apologies for the dumb questions, it's just that Google hasn't been very helpful.

22 Replies

There's no specific answer for this, as you found on Google. Myself, I used to hover 60-80 on 2.6.18, and now hover at 15-30 on 2.6.30. But it all depends on what you're running. If Apache is busy, it'll use a lot of IO writing access_log. If you server large files, then you'll spend a lot of IO reading files from disk (if they're too big to fit in cache).

I wouldn't worry about I/O unless I was on a small plan and constantly doing 500+


(let me say that again before I'm quoted authoritatively on this in the future)


Four digits of I/O, sustained, is when you should be thinking about it. I won't say if it's good or bad, just have it on your radar if your I/O is sustained at 1,000+ on Xen hosts.



(let me say that again before I'm quoted authoritatively on this in the future)


Four digits of I/O, sustained, is when you should be thinking about it. I won't say if it's good or bad, just have it on your radar if your I/O is sustained at 1,000+ on Xen hosts.

Which command should be used to measure this benchmark? vmstat? iostat? And what is the unit of measurement?

It's reported in the linode control panel, that's the easiest way to check it.

Talking about "right" IO rate I have been wondering about that for some time. I got the answer today though when a support ticket from Linode alerted me that my IO rate of 6000 sustained was too high on a 720. According to staff a rate of 1000-2000 is the max allowed.

It would of course be useful if Linode could post a table of recommended and max allowed peak/mean IO rates for the different size linodes. It would help planning growth and where to optimize.

If you wonder how I'm able to get a 6000 in IO it's because I run a search engine with indexer and I pretty much use as much CPU and disk cycles as I can get, would be great though to know how much is allowed :)




Talking about "right" IO rate I have been wondering about that for some time. I got the answer today though when a support ticket from Linode alerted me that my IO rate of 6000 sustained was too high on a 720. According to staff a rate of 1000-2000 is the max allowed.

It would of course be useful if Linode could post a table of recommended and max allowed peak/mean IO rates for the different size linodes. It would help planning growth and where to optimize.

If you wonder how I'm able to get a 6000 in IO it's because I run a search engine with indexer and I pretty much use as much CPU and disk cycles as I can get, would be great though to know how much is allowed :)



Why would a search engine indexer cause much disk IO except to do database updates? There are ways to mitigate that (commit to MEMORY tables and periodically update the on-disk table, or set up a database cluster).


According to staff a rate of 1000-2000 is the max allowed.
This is why I was careful to say generally above, because it's not that we "allow" a certain amount of I/O. There are a number of variables that influence our recommendation (or, in your case, request). Other customers being affected are one of the only reasons we will make such a request.

If you punish the disk for a while and nobody else is affected enough to complain, we don't get involved. I/O consumption is not an exact science, and we have to call it as we see it in each case.

As a generality, upgrading usually means you can get away with using more disk – there are fewer Linodes sharing a host.

> Why would a search engine indexer cause much disk IO except to do database updates?

Exactly, it's database updates. With a 4GB main index table and 720MB memory it's going to use some disk I/O. The spider is continuously downloading pages and updating them into the database.

I'm looking at ways to optimize this all the time, so any advice is welcome.

The particular problem I have is this:

Big main index table of 4GB with only 720MB ram makes for super slow queries. If someone searches for "web hosting in Europe" there will be a query into the database for "web", "hosting" and "Europe" asking for 100 entries sorted by score, the record is [keywordid=int] [siteid=int] [score=float] and there's an index on keyword-score for the sorting

A query for one keyword can take up to 30 seconds, not good.

My solution - I made a cache, a separate table with the record

[keywordid=int indexed] [sitedata=text]

Here the sitedata is basically text list of the top 150 keyword from the previous table.

It's super quick to query that table for searches and the search engine can answer a query for "web hosting in Europe" in 0.227 seconds instead of 37 seconds.

The problem is updating that cache, it has to be updated at the same time as I update the main index as it's basically a subset of the main index arranged for quick query.

The update means reading sitedata which is a 2KB text string, parsing it, updating it and writing the 2KB string back to the database. If ther's 400 keywords in a webpage it means read/write of 400 2KB records.

Doing this 4 times a minute generates the 6000-8000IO/sec

That's a read/write of 3002KB4 / 60 = 40K data/second which to me does not sound like a lot but it generates that IO rate.

By caching these updates to a file on disk and only updating to the database after 50 file updates I have been able to reduce the data rate to a third.

Somehow I have the feeling that amount of data should not generate that much IO activity but then again I don't know the database operations translates to IO.

Any MySQL guru that want to comment?

> This is why I was careful to say generally above, because it's not that we "allow" a certain amount of I/O

Ok, I'll raise the data rate slowly next time so noone noteices :)

No seriously I'll have to sit down for a couple of optimization sessions, the new caching system I did for searches increased disk IO with at least 600% and I feel the data moving I do should not have to generate that much IO.

Anyone know if you read one 2K record (one record) of data from a database how much disk I/O ops should that generate, about.

I assume that you can't use MySQL's fulltext search functionality due to the scoring?

It sounds like you have database schema issues, but your schema isn't clear enough from your description for me to comment (I'm also not a MySQL guru :P)

If I understand it correctly, each keyword has an id, and you've got a table:

[keywordid=int] [siteid=int] [score=float]

With an index on (keywordid, score)

And you do something like:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE keywordid = 5 ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 100


I don't see why that would possibly take 30 seconds for that query to run…

$query = "SELECT * from " . $this->dbprefix . "keywordindex where keywordid='" . $keyword_id . "' order by score desc limit " . $limit . ";";

Where limit is normally 100 and the largest query times i get when there is like 50000 entries for that keyword and I fetch only the 100 first. A keyword with only 1000 enties will be a lot faster to get the 100 first.

Affecting the speed could be that the indexer is doing updates to the same database doing this
  $query = "DELETE from " . $this->dbprefix . "keywordindex where pageid=" . $pageid . ";\n";
  $query = "INSERT into " . $this->dbprefix . "keywordindex values \n";


Where the amount if inserted values can be anything between 100 and 2000 and these queries takes from 1 second up to 60 seconds to complete.

$query = "SELECT * from " . $this->dbprefix . "keywordindex where keywordid='" . $keyword_id . "' order by score desc limit " . $limit . ";";

Actually I found the problem with that query now, it's not using the index for the order by part only for the select. I don't quite understand though why it's not using the index.

This is the explain output

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM sbs_keywordindex where keywordid=20 order by score desc limit 100

id selecttype table type possiblekeys key keylen ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE sbskeywordindex ref keywordid keywordid 4 const 92347 Using where

Any ideas, anyone?

sbyholm: It looks like MySQL does use index for sorting, you'd have Using filesort in the Extra column otherwise.

See: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/ … ation.html">http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/order-by-optimization.html

I though that the keylen would need to be 8 instead of 4 if the whole index on keywordidscore is used, but the missing Using filesort means index is used.

I can't just understand how reading 100 rows of indexed data can take 30second even if completely disk bound.

These are random reads, the index only helps you to avoid full table scan.

I'm no expert, but here's a couple things I would look into:

  • Is your mysql db config allowing it to use maximum of the available memory?

  • Does your index fit into memory?

  • If you are using InnoDB, can you tolerate relaxing ACID properties on your updates? Each write uses "no OS/disk cache buffering" system calls under default config. Using InnoDB's transactions also means each update actually means ~ 3x disk writes (2x transcation log, 1x table update).

  • Buy and read High Performance Mysql (2nd edition)

I have configured half available memory to mySql index as I read the other half is needed for disk buffers (and php and apache). And no the index does not fit into memory.

I ordered High Performance Mysql (2nd edition) from Amazon, it looks like a good read in this case.

I read there's differences between using text and varchar type, I'm going to investigate that furthar as it could have a major impact on case to where I read and write a 2KB text block a lot.

I just have that feeling that reading, updating and then writing 400 2KB text block should not take 60 seconds even if completely disk bound.

I changed REPLACE INTO to INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATED for the text block as I read it should be faster. I didn't notice any speed difference though.



$query = "SELECT * from " . $this->dbprefix . "keywordindex where keywordid='" . $keyword_id . "' order by score desc limit " . $limit . ";";

Actually I found the problem with that query now, it's not using the index for the order by part only for the select. I don't quite understand though why it's not using the index.

This is the explain output

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM `sbs_keywordindex` where keywordid=20 order by score desc limit 100

id     select_type     table   type    possible_keys   key     key_len     ref     rows    Extra
1     SIMPLE  sbs_keywordindex    ref     keywordid   keywordid   4   const   92347   Using where

Any ideas, anyone?

If the key length is 4, that'd be the size of a 32-bit integer. Are you sure that it isn't just using your primary key as the index?

FROM sbs_keywordindex
ORDER BY keywordid DESC , score DESC

Generates this

id selecttype table type possiblekeys key keylen ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE sbskeywordindex index NULL keywordid 8 NULL 81448071


key_len = 8

Anyway I found a solution to the second one of my slow queries

> The update means reading sitedata which is a 2KB text string, parsing it, updating it and writing the 2KB string back to the database. If ther's 400 keywords in a webpage it means read/write of 400 2KB records.

The speed to execute that increased by a factor of 3 by changing the table structure from

[keywordid INT PRIMARY] [sitelist TEXT]

to this

[keywordid INT PRIMARY] [sitelist VARCHAR(2800)]

That's nice

Disk IO also dropped to half, meaning I get 6 times the speed/disk IO cycles with the new structure.

Are your tables InnoDB or MyISAM?


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