Seeking 24/7 emergency sysadmin service

Can anybody recommend a company which offers 24/7 sysadmin support who will respond to alerts to keep services up? I'm used to Rackspace's fanatical support but would prefer to host at linode and pay for support on a per-incident basis (or retainer). The company would ideally offer a SLA for maximum response time (< 10 min ideally) and be familiar supporting a wide-range of web applications, linux operating system issues, mail servers (qmail toaster), and fearless disaster recovery and performance optimization. An extra bonus would be their ability to interface with our clients who have sites on our slices.

Thanks for any suggestions,


6 Replies

how many hosts/slices are you talking about?

I've heard mentioned several times. Personally, I haven't used it but you may want to check it out.


I've heard mentioned several times. Personally, I haven't used it but you may want to check it out.
Pingdom provides monitoring and alerting services, but not sysadmin services.


I've heard mentioned several times. Personally, I haven't used it but you may want to check it out. I'm not a Pingdom user either, but as I understand it they're only a third-party monitoring service who won't actually be able to do anything when your server goes down, which doesn't sound like what quinncom is looking for.

Linode does have the Shutdown Watchdog which will automatically start your Linode in case it turns off unexpectedly, but that also seems more like an automated solution that can't do actual troubleshooting for anything that might be more serious.

ahhh… my bad. Figured it would be worth a shot.

maybe try rackspace or

not really my area of interest. sorry.


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