Windows VPS

Does anyone have a good recommendation for a windows VPS host?

I love linode, if they had any kind of windows hosting (mod_mono and equivalents really aren't good enough for what I need) I would buy it in a heartbeat. But unfortunately they don't.

So does anyone know some VPS companies with windows VPS that have the same level of awesome that Linode does?


5 Replies

Search/ask on Webhosting Talk Forum, they'll give you the real skinny on who's good and who to avoid.

> So does anyone know some VPS companies with windows VPS that have the same level of awesome that Linode does?
You won't find anything like this with Windows VPS hosting.

Only company that offers something similar is Rackspace Cloud, but their Windows Cloud Servers feature is still in beta. The cheapest plan costs $30/month, bandwidth is billed separately.


You won't find anything like this with Windows VPS hosting.
Nonsense. There's a handful of good Windows VPS hosts out there. You just have to separate out all the crap from the few that are good (just like you did when you found Linode).

I'm using the 512 Windows VPS at Rackspace and it has been flawless so far. I have a monitor on it and it hasn't gone off once in 3-4 months except when I reboot for Windows patches.



You won't find anything like this with Windows VPS hosting.
Nonsense. There's a handful of good Windows VPS hosts out there. You just have to separate out all the crap from the few that are good (just like you did when you found Linode).
I meant you won't find Windows VPS provider where you can add/delete nodes in matter of minutes, resize them, etc.

RackSpace Cloud might get close to that in the future, but for now you're stuck with emailing the support for everything you need (some providers don't even give you the control panel with Reboot button).


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