Migrating server from shared hosting


I have now set up my server with apache php mysql for migrating my php based script from shared hosting to my linode.

Can you please tell me how to do that? That guide in library did not work for me. and support doesnot help either.

So please I need your help for migrating my site.

The problem is I don't even know where to backup my database from old hosting and how to copy them to my linode.

Any begginers advise and tips?

Thank you for your time

18 Replies

A few points

1) Linode is unmanaged, support don't have to help you with things like this, they only have to provide help with the network/hardware/virtualization layer

2) What kind of software does your shared host use? Cpanel/plesk/something else?

3) Assuming you can download a sql file containing your database to your home/work computer, use something like winsftp (windows) or cyberduck (mac) to upload the file to your linode, then assuming you're using mysql and have it installed run mysql -u root -p < /path/to/sql/file.sql which will import the database.

But I think they should send newbies to right dirctions…

I use Cpanel.

I just installed phpmyadmin on my new server at linode. and installed winSCP on my pc and just exported my database from my hosting to my computer.

Is there any other ways to upload the database and content to my linode?

I have the file as localhost.sql on my pc. What about the content of my site I mean in public_html on my server. Must I download it to? as zip or?

Appreciate your help


No, they shouldn't. If they did, then that would be managed services, and the cost of Linodes would raise up substantially. Just to manage a VPS, my company charges a minimum of 60 dollars a month.

People buy unmanaged VPS hosting because they either:

1) Are comfortable with *NIX system administration, or have someone on the payroll who is.


2) They are willing to learn.

The "how do I backup my old website" is really a question for: Your old host or your web developer. Most shared hosting companies use the same 5 web control panels, and all of them have a backup system that exports a .tar.gz file with mysql/postgresql dump and all directories under your root.

One of the better things that Linode has going for it is community support. Linode is not paid to help you transfer your website. They are not a web hosting provider. However, we might decide to help you out of the goodness of our hearts.

Under community, you'll see an IRC link. Use it, ask for help there. We may, or we may not, decide to help you.

Now I know that lonode really sucks!

vps.net was unmanaged support too but they helped me, if there was something to install they just did it for 10 $..

same shit, will not use this service and get my money back.

No support community just jocking.,… coool

You've given us no information to help you with. We don't even know what database software you're using. Asking people to help you is one thing. Expecting them to read your mind is quite another…


Now I know that lonode really sucks!

vps.net was unmanaged support too but they helped me, if there was something to install they just did it for 10 $..

same s***, will not use this service and get my money back.

No support community just jocking.,… coool

You obviously do not want community support, you want someone to fix everything for you for $10 dollars. If VPS.net will do this, then perhaps you can go back to their 7 hour plus downtime.

Besides. VPS.net wants $99 a month with a $45 dollar setup fee for managed support. This sounds MORE expensive than my managed hosting.

Enjoy your 600MHz processor.


Now I know that lonode really sucks!

I've never heard of lonode, but if they suck so bad you might want to check out this site. They have great prices for unmanaged VPS, a thorough library of helpful articles, and a strong community of users.

If you want managed hosting, find yourself a host that offers managed hosting, and pay for it. I started my linode with 0 server experience, and had no trouble reading the guides and setting up pretty much anything I needed.


Now I know that lonode really sucks!

vps.net was unmanaged support too but they helped me, if there was something to install they just did it for 10 $..

same s***, will not use this service and get my money back.

No support community just jocking.,… coool

Yeah cause just running stackscripts really justifies 10$.

Oh well, i can have them for free here, what do u know.

I actually want to learn!

Former mediatempler quits and joins linoded, feeling overwhelmed…

Hey all,

I don't have much linux experience but, and very excited to leave mediatemple! Any support would be greatly appreciated.

I am attempting to migrate 4 domains, one of which has 3 subdomains.

So, I added a zone for each of the 4 domains, and added an A name as * for the subs… will that work or do I need to explicitly define them?

I installed ISPConfig in an attempt to help myself, but that didn't amount to much. Now, I'd really like to remove it and familiarize myself regular administration.

In addition to the 4 domains, and 3 subdomains I want to also migrate my email accounts. Can someone help me achieve this please!

Help this ex-templer get learned, thanks.

Do you have your own thread about your problems? Usually, people dislike it when you "hijack," or change the topic, of another's thread.

If you don't, make a post with specific questions. If you want, you can also use the IRC client under the Community tab (there are web clients there so you can use your browser) to use the Linode IRC channel. This is real time community discussion and support.

As far as getting things set up, I'll look for other threads by you and see if I can be of assistance.

I bet $20 that

myusername's password is … mypassword

You heys really suck!!!

I have asked for support other times and got it!

My first post was How to learn linux and managing my server by my self!

I have checket the fucking library step by step and did set uo my fucking linode, but there is no fucking guide how to migrate a server from shared hosting or any advise that can help newbies!

I did not asked you for doing the jobb for me for 10 $! If I did I got the uportunuty to that and can get my site up and running by paying some one from my scripts forums.

I wantet do all my self!

vps.net was not as you said for me at least. I was there 2 months and had 100% uptime, 0 problems with the server, I just did not find it as fast as I expected. Again maybe my fault because I had no idea how to take care of my server. Don't blame others if you don't know things about them and tried your self. I give shit about vps.net just you know, if you think I deffence them!!!

Thanks for support that I got from this thread!!

And I am not so stupid and will learn my self even it takes months!

I believe there may be some misunderstandings throughout this thread. There's no way to make a step-by-step guide for moving an arbitrary application to a new platform, since there's no way to know how the old platform is set up or what sorts of capabilities the application needs.

A task like this doesn't need too much beyond intermediate Unix skills (navigating the filesystem, viewing files, editing files, knowing about permissions and ownership, monitoring the process list, tailing log files, etc), but it requires some amount of trial and error, and the ability to figure out what is wrong when it doesn't work right.

So, try it. You've got a database and seem to have figured that out. You've also got the "content" of your site (the .php files, images, stylesheets, etc). rsync is handy for this, but WinSCP will do it too.

If you get stuck, see http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html and ask (probably in a new thread :-). There's a lot of smart asses here, but there's also a lot of smart masses. -rt

p.s.: Another guide that is handy for general server stuff is the Ubuntu server guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/index.html


Your hay is of inferior quality.

I have received athletic supporter on other occasions.

My boobies was How to learn Linux and management of waitstaff by my self.

I have chicklet the procreation library step by step and did set us up my procreation Linode, but there exists no procreation guide how to migration a waitstaff from cloud or any supervisor that can help newbies.

I did not request for you hand the Job for me for $10. If I did I got the upper-deck to that and can get my site up and running by paying some one from my scripts forums.

I do Winslet all my self.

vps.net was not as you said for me at least. I was there 2 months and had 100% uptime, infinite success with the waitstaff, I just did not find it as fast as I expected. Again maybe my fault because I had no idea how to take care of my waitstaff. Don't blame others if you don't know things about them and tried yourself. I give feces about vps.net just you know, if you think I Buffalo Bills them!

Thanks for athletic supporters that I got from this thread!

And I am not so stupid that I will learn myself even if it takes months!


Hoopycat is correct. Its an undaunting task to have a complete documentation of every type of platform/system possible for moving over to a Linode VPS.

I re-read your first post on here and I think the first thing you need to do is talk to your shared hosting account tech support and ask them how to backup your site. Most of them use a form of Cpanel or Plesk so they should have some sort of backup utility that is a part of everyone's panel.

Once you have your backup, then it is a matter of uploading and recreating your site on the Linode VPS. Lucky for you, there are not too many steps involved depending on the complexity of your site.


Now I know that lonode really sucks!

vps.net was unmanaged support too but they helped me, if there was something to install they just did it for 10 $..

same s***, will not use this service and get my money back.

No support community just jocking.,… coool


I could care less about your specific problem now.

But for other people reading this, I feel your pain. PhpMyAdmin is a nightmare in my opinion, and I'm guessing there's many newbies trying to move their sites to Linode using PhpMyAdmin.

WordPress.org has some very detailed step-by-step instructions for moving your MySQL database with PhpMyAdmin, instructions I have used myself. My personal opinion, PhpMyAdmin is way more complicated than necessary. Too many checkboxes, the interface is overwhelming, and if you're not careful you might drop a table by accident. (Oops!)

Instead, do a Google search for MySQL Administrator, I think it's more straightforward, it's a desktop app. I think the file you want to download is "mysql-gui-tool" Google it. This app was developed by Sun Microsystems I think, it's very nice. (Also comes with a query tool and a "workbench" I think?)

You can even use MySQL Administrator to schedule backups. However, I believe Oracle has stopped working on it. So much for all the fuss Europe went through to keep MySQL alive. Regardless, MySQL Administrator works and it's easy, if you're not comfortable working with MySQL directly.

Personally, I love flat file databases. Just copy some files from site A to site B, change a permission maybe and you're done moving your database :p


am attempting to migrate 4 domains, one of which has 3 subdomains.

I recommend you start a new thread for this.

"there is no fucking guide how to migrate a server from shared hosting or any advise that can help newbies!"



It's a good place to start.


"there is no fucking guide how to migrate a server from shared hosting or any advise that can help newbies!"



It's a good place to start.

True, he didn't say "free guide."


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