Happy New Year!

Well I wanted to wish everyone in Linode Community a Happy New Year…. Make it a good one ;)

I was kinda hoping to get a e-mail or even see a blog post from Linode wishing customers a Happy New Year but I guess were out of luck :P

6 Replies

Happy New Year!

Yes, it's true Linode hasn't acknowledged the new year yet… =(

@Complex Mind:

Yes, it's true Linode hasn't acknowledged the new year yet… =(

I got an invoice dated Jan 1st, 2011. Seems like they've acknowledged it to me… ;)

For more information on finding out which year it is using your Linode, as well as determining if it is near January 1st, see this article in the Linode library. The cron system can also be used to send an email reminder of the new year.

Thanks so much hoopycat, I never knew that such a useful program existed on a Linode! Truly useful and infinitely applicable is this operating system supported by this company for the use of global society and the advancement of humanity.

@JshWright: Perhaps the regular staff is still on holiday, and haven't been in office? And yes, I, like you, was also billed on the 1st, at midnight, I suspect… -_-

Another handy trick is to poll http://isitchristmas.com/ continuously; if you find that it says "YES", sleep for 604,800 seconds, then yell "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

(Up next: how to boil an egg in only 150,000 lines of Ada)


(Up next: how to boil an egg in only 150,000 lines of Ada)
Given that I can easily burn a pan of water, I'd happily install an Ada compiler to boil an egg :-)


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