- Third Party Services on the Private Network

Hey folks, I wanted to let you know about a new site I've just launched, offering some services via Linode's private network.

In addition to ntp and a caching apt proxy, the first "premium" service I'm starting out with is hosted memcached instances. You can get more details here, but the short version is that you can spin up a private memcached instance (firewalled to allow access only for you linodes) to help take some load off your database, and be able to manage it through a simple control panel.

This is the "minimum viable" service I wanted to get out the door to get some feedback. Future plans include hosted databases, spam filtering services, etc (as well as polishing up the styling a bit, don't worry ;)).

So, if you are using (or would like to use) memcached, I'd be grateful if you tried it out and let me know what you think. New users can run a 32MB instance for free for a few days to get a feel for things.

5 Replies


Hey folks, I wanted to let you know about a new site I've just launched…

It is my understanding that our linodes do not need your baked potatoes.


I plan on offering a wide range of sides. From cole slaw to onion rings, there will be something for everyone. ;)


spam filtering

That might be useful for people who refuse to outsource to Google Apps for various reasons. Spam and virus filtering tends to take up a lot of RAM even if the email volume is low. So a third-party filtering service that can be easily hooked up to Postfix/Citadel/etc could come in handy. Sort of like Akismet for real email.

Well, people paranoid enough to not let Google see their mails will probably hesitate about piping them through a 3rd-party filter too.


Well, people paranoid enough to not let Google see their mails will probably hesitate about piping them through a 3rd-party filter too.

They could choose not to use it if they need more than 50 accounts (I think that's still the free limit).


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