Outsource managed server/linode

Hi all,

We are looking for a stable partner who can managing our Linodes.

Now we are working with a small company from India.

Good guys, but they are not very technical.

They can do the standard stuff, but they are slow with their ticket system.

Do you know another company (prefer India, of the timezone) who can handle this?

Best Regards,


3 Replies

Hi Flits1,

We have a service that can meet your needs. For more information visit:


If you have any questions please let me know. We are not in India though.

I have been using HostCube for two months and they are very responsive and knowledgable.



Hi all,

We are looking for a stable partner who can managing our Linodes.

Now we are working with a small company from India.

Good guys, but they are not very technical.

They can do the standard stuff, but they are slow with their ticket system.

Do you know another company (prefer India, of the timezone) who can handle this?

Best Regards,


You have three possible choices:

1) Get the skills to do it yourself.

2) Get someone else to manage it and tell them what to do.

3) Outsource the lot with some kind of managed service deal and never worry about it again.

The best way is either 1 or 3 depending on your situation. You are trying 2, the hardest path. To do things this way you need to fully understand your services and related technologies, you get the overhead of managing everything unexpected, and you are accountable for all failures. You also gets the costs of paying other people to carry out your instructions and the lack of flexibility caused by having things done on their schedule.


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