How do the Linode backups work?

Hi there,

I signed up to the Linode backups but I realized I don't actually know how they work. I know there is daily, weekly etc but do I need to do something so that if I need to access an old copy of a file I can?

When I was with my old hosting provider, the times I needed to access backups was because I had managed to break my functions.php Wordpress file and needed to grab the backed up file from the day before to wind back my tinkering.

I know (think?) the Linode backups give me the option to do a more full scale windback.

Do I need to do something additional to be able to access backed up copies of single files in the above scenario?

Hope this question is appropriate for this subforum. I wasn't 100% sure.


5 Replies

Linode take backup of your whole VPS including everything on it.

In order to restore individual files and folders, or databases, you'll need to figure out a backup solution for yourself.

The Linode Backup Service backs up your files. All of them.

Restoring restores ALL of the files into new disk images into any of your Linodes with enough unallocated-to-disk-images space. It leaves any existing disk images alone. To free space, you simply resize or remove your existing disk image(s), or create a fresh Linode and forgo the distribution deploying step, and restore into it.

Restoring a single file is easy: restore the backup you want, and grab the file off.


i've subscribed your backup plan for months.

i think that it would be great if you can offer an option to mount the backup image. sometimes i only need to restore certain files.

if mounting the image can not be achieved, it would be a good alternative that we can just download the backup image and retrieve random files from the image offline.


i've subscribed your backup plan for months.

i think that it would be great if you can offer an option to mount the backup image. sometimes i only need to restore certain files.

if mounting the image can not be achieved, it would be a good alternative that we can just download the backup image and retrieve random files from the image offline.

It can already be mounted assuming you have enough space available to have the image there.


i think that it would be great if you can offer an option to mount the backup image. sometimes i only need to restore certain files.
Like caker said, there is no backup image until you restore a backup, which creates a new image. So all those things can be accomplished, except you cannot download the backup image straight off the control panel. Some hosts offer that, like Zerigo, which are downloadable and charged per-GB storage. I think the file-based approach is a lot more efficient.


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