Help required in choosing OS updates for CentOS 64-bit
I have two linodes one runs apache webserver and one my sql databases, both are in production.
yum update returns a lot of updates. My concern is since both servers are in production how do I assess the impact of these updates on apache and my sql serves?
Can anyone help me figure out if these updates are actually required?
1 Reply
You can also have yum-cron installed (check only, NO auto updateS) so you can asses these as they become available, check the RHN errata site manually. With yum-cron you get update announcements even for third party repos like EPEL, and in my case PostgreSQL repo too.
yum-cron package is on CentOS 6.x, otherwise check yum-updatesd. At any rate, watch out how you configure them, don't have them do updates automatically.