Problem: Migration from Old VPS to Linode

I am running a Proxmox server with the following VPS which I would like migrate to my new linode:

CentOS Linux 5.8

Linux 2.6.18-6-pve on i686

Running Webmin 1.585

I have been following the migration tutorial from the librabry but have a few problems. I did stop Apache, PHP, MySQL, FTP & Mail services first.

1) First, even though I am currently running an older kernel (2.6.18) I was told by support to use the latest (3.4) kernel when setting up my Linode config file - is that correct?

2) I am stuck at rsync. I've issued the following, but am getting a lot of "failed: Read-only file system (30) errors:

rsync –exclude="/sys/" --exclude="/proc/" --exclude="/backups/" --exclude="/downloads/*" -aHSKDvz -e ssh / root@

Some files transferred, but most did not. What do you think is the problem?

2 Replies

Setup your new LINODE server with whatever apps you need.

Backup all the new Linode App config files (just in case so you have the original to compare with).

Copy ONLY your Data and Config files - assuming you're moving from 5.8 to 5.8.

Tweak config files as needed.

Trying to move the whole thing when it's not apples to apples is a waste of time (YMMV).

Personally, I'd go with CentOS 6.3 but that depends on what apps you're running.

Thanks, I think I'll just bit the bullet and do a fresh CentOS 6.2 (latest) install. Then move my data over.


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