How to backup databases.

I have a database running a forum. Could some advise on how I get access to that to be able to back it up myself.

Also I have the linode backup package which updates things daily, weekly and monthly. does anyone know if this includes all databases or is it just site files ?

3 Replies

What Engine are you using?

InnoDB tables= mysqldump –all-databases --single-transaction --flush-logs --master-data=2

MyISAM tabels= mysqldump --all-databases --lock-all-tables --flush-logs --master-data=2 | bzip2 -c >


Also I have the linode backup package which updates things daily, weekly and monthly. does anyone know if this includes all databases or is it just site files ?
Linode's backup service backs up everything, file by file, but a MySQL database restored from such a backup may end up in an inconsistent state. You should perform a database dump just before your Linode backup runs. Check out AutoMySQLBackup.



Also I have the linode backup package which updates things daily, weekly and monthly. does anyone know if this includes all databases or is it just site files ?
Linode's backup service backs up everything, file by file, but a MySQL database restored from such a backup may end up in an inconsistent state. You should perform a database dump just before your Linode backup runs. Check out AutoMySQLBackup. Whoa, that's a very useful tool. Thanks for sharing it!


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