Yay! More free stuff

More disk. Excellent.

I'd be interested to know if the hosts always had excessive disk or if Linode actually swapped out the disks on running hosts.

8 Replies

I'd suspect that the newer hosts have larger disks than the older hosts, and once there was enough capacity for everyone, the button could be pushed.

I take it this will migrate to a new box then? Are the bugs out of the new ones? I'm still on an L5630 @ 2.13GHz x 8 (Atlanta) , which has been rock solid stable and fast.

I re-joined after the new machine was added, and I haven't noticed any major issues. Unfortunately that means I can't comment on how smoothly the migration will go.


I take it this will migrate to a new box then? Are the bugs out of the new ones? I'm still on an L5630 @ 2.13GHz x 8 (Atlanta) , which has been rock solid stable and fast.

Nope. When you choose to upgrade the info says that no migration is necessary.

@Main Street James:


I take it this will migrate to a new box then? Are the bugs out of the new ones? I'm still on an L5630 @ 2.13GHz x 8 (Atlanta) , which has been rock solid stable and fast.

Nope. When you choose to upgrade the info says that no migration is necessary.

Do'hh- if I had just read it… Indeed- didn't even shut down, now I have 50% of my space allocated :).

According to the blog post you may need to be migrated depending on the host disk capacity

This is awesome. We were apparently at 50% of / on the 1GB plan. I could probably setup a chroot or Gitweb. Though GitHub works fine.

@Inquisitor Sasha:

This is awesome. We were apparently at 50% of / on the 1GB plan. I could probably setup a chroot or Gitweb. Though GitHub works fine.
Try gitlab. Once it's set up (which is the hardest part) it's awesome it's like your own private github


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