JVM & Tomcat stop automatically on all instances for web app


We are using your servers/Instances since 15-20 days. We have installed Tomcat7 for web application deployment on all instances which we have created.

We have observer that following JVM process automatically stops after some time, so we need to restart tomcat again from bin.

"root 14170 38.7 20.0 3576768 820444 pts/1 Sl 06:51 1:24 /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file"

Please let us know about solution for this issue. We are facing daily issue due to this in all servers/instances.

This issue refers to all servers/instances.


Pradumna Panditrao


3 Replies

Why does it stop running?

I am also surprised. I have discussed with Linode support team, they don't have idea as it is installed by user. It is happening to not even single server/instance, happening to all instances/servers.


I'd pick an instance, quiesce it, monitor and see if it shuts down with no load. Try to correlate what else is happening on the server at the moment the instance shuts down, check all logs. If you're using Tomcat from the repos; try turning it off temporarily, download the latest from Apache and run that without installing your apps; if that goes OK and it doesn't shut down then install your apps to its web apps directory and see if it runs past the former shutdown time. If that works, put that node in service for while and monitor.


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