Logwatch 'from' email

Somewhere along setting up a new server I added an extra letter at the beginning of the server name and now my logwatch emails come from root@Xfqdn.com. The X is the issue. The only issue I'm seeing is deferred mail to root because root@Xfqdn.com doesn't exist. Everything else works fine. I've check in configs of postfix, dovecot, logwatch, mailman, /etc/hosts, aliases… I've searched entire server for that string and it brings back tons of results because of the mail logs filling up with the deferred items. There seems to be helpful stuff (non-email log results) at the beginning of the search results but I can't get scroll back up that far. So anyway I can see the beginning of grep results or any ideas where else I should look?

Debian 7, ISPConfig, email server.

2 Replies

Logwatch uses the MailFrom setting for the from address. For me (Centos 6.5), the logwatch config file is at /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf


There seems to be helpful stuff (non-email log results) at the beginning of the search results but I can't get scroll back up that far. So anyway I can see the beginning of grep results or any ideas where else I should look?

Pipe the command through 'more' and you can scroll the output a screen at a time using the spacebar, or exit with the 'q' key.

me@serv:~ some-command | more


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