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Explore how Linode’s shared, dedicated, high memory, and GPU instances and container orchestration engine provide simple, affordable, and accessible cloud computing solutions.

Getting Started with Linode GPU Instances

This guide walks you through deploying a GPU instance and installing the CUDA Toolkit.

Use Cases for Linode GPU Instances

Linode GPU Instances include NVIDIA Quadro RTX 6000 GPU cards with Tensor, ray tracing (RT), and CUDA cores.

How to Move Your Machine Learning Model to Production

This guide will quickly build a simple model on a manageable dataset, so that it can be trained quickly even on a laptop or basic Linode.
Blair Lyon

Introducing Linode GPU Instances

Jun 19, 2019
by Blair Lyon
We are excited to announce the pilot launch of Linode GPU instances. These instances are tailored towards workloads such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, high quality graphics rendering, video transcoding and scientific computing. Linode GPU instances are built on NVIDIA Quadro RTX 6000 GPU cards. This is the first time these cards are being offered […]

High Memory

Featuring high memory RAM allocations and relatively fewer vCPUs and less storage for memory-intensive applications like in-memory caches and in-memory databases.


GPU virtual machines for compute, graphics, and data sensitive use cases including media transcoding and gaming.
Linode Dedicated CPU

Dedicated CPU

Entire dedicated CPU cores for your Linode’s use. No other instances can run processes on the same cores so your software runs at peak speed and efficiency.


Balanced resources that support a wide range of modern cloud applications, from personal projects to production deployments of an enterprise application.

Linode Expands Cloud Solutions For Developers, Launches Dedicated CPU Instances

Feb 6, 2019
Philadelphia, February 6, 2019 – Linode, the leading cloud for developers, today announced the release of its new Linux cloud instance type: Linode Dedicated CPU. Dedicated CPU provides a powerful infrastructure solution for CPU-intensive applications such as video encoding, machine learning and data analytics processing. Linode customers can now choose from a broader range of […]