Out of memory (allocated 4194304) error

Currently my test site which 'http://cinqueterreriviera.info ' not running properly , If I plan this is bcz of the low configuration of my linode plan can you guide me which plan is best to upgrade, I want to run this test site which is a clone of http://cinqueterreriviera.com ….
Please help me as this is a test site and You do't offer to downgrades in plans . So I need proper help form you.

Or how can i resolve this problem by using my existing plan with same configuration.
i tried kill process but no success.!!
Help me out.

1 Reply

Hey there,

We were able to navigate to http://cinqueterreriviera.info/ and get a page to load without issues. The domain isn't secured with SSL but we didn't encounter any other errors or difficulties. We're happy to offer some insight if you can share more about what you are trying to accomplish and what obstacles you are encountering.

can you guide me which plan is best to upgrade, I want to run this test site which is a clone of http://cinqueterreriviera.com

We recommend that when cloning a Linode, you use the same plan size as the Linode being cloned in order to gain full functionality of your services before making additional plan changes. If your current Linode is smaller than the Linode you cloned from, that may be why you're encountering some issues, especially if the problem is with services failing to run due to lack of resources.

Please help me as this is a test site and You do't offer to downgrades in plans .

You can increase or decrease the size of your plan at any time through your Cloud Manager by resizing your Linode, which includes resizing the disk if you are downsizing. Those guides provide step-by-step instructions on doing so to help you along.

We hope that help!

-Tara, Linode Support Team


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