How do I extend the root partition?

I have run out of space on my root partition. I need to extend the partition.

I think I need to shut down my OS and boot from a live system to do this. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to upload the image and boot it?

If there is a better way please let me know. Please help me find a solution.


7 Replies

The Cloud Manager is capable of resizing your disk without booting to a separate distro, but your Linode will need to be powered off to do so. It should be mentioned that this solution assumes that your Linode currently has available unallocated disk space.

If you're out of space to allocate to your disk, you'll either need to resize your Linode plan to something with more space, or use another service such as Block Storage or Object Storage to store your data instead of your system disk.

Resizing disc partitions (in both directions) is easy to do and very safe.

-- sw

I have space in my plan, I added it to my linode.

I tried to follow the Quick Answer in the link you sent, however, I do not have an Advanced Configurations panel in the settings tab so I am not sure where to go from here?

Good callout! We've been making so many updates to the Cloud Manager that it appears we forgot to update the documentation with the newest set of instructions.

You'll find the options you're looking for in the Disks/Configs tab just to the right of Settings.

I'll send an update to our Docs team to get that fixed momentarily. :)

Okay, I did that earlier thinking that is how to do it, but I did not shut down the Linode first so the partition did not resize, I think it just resized the volume. Should I restore from backup and then do it again with the Linode off?

I recommend carefully looking at your Disks/Configs page and making sure that you are booted into and have previously resized the correct disk.

We'd be happy to discuss this further if you'd give us a call or open a ticket. We're available 24/7 at: +1 (609) 380-7100 (international) or +1 (855) 454-6633 (North America toll-free).


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