I'm not receiving any OTP / username / password reset emails!

Linode Staff

I'm having trouble logging into my account - the one-time passcode (OTP) emails don't seem to be coming through, and neither do the emails for recovering my username or resetting my password. What should I do?

1 Reply

There are a few important details to keep in mind when searching about for these emails - above all, though, you'll want to make sure you're using the correct email address. These emails are sent to the email address connected to your username, not the billing address email.

If you see a message that the email has been sent, but you don’t see it in your inbox, it's often in the spam folder so definitely check there first!

Additionally, if you're running a Microsoft email (like Outlook.com, Live.com, Office365, or Exchange), linode.com needs to be on the safe senders list.

For Office365, you may need to log into https://protection.office.com/quarantine, sort by "Recipient email address", and search for your email address to find your OTP email. More information on this Office quarantine tool can be found here.

Should you continue to run into issues, please reach out to us through support@linode.com and be sure to authenticate to your account in your initial response - this saves you a lot of time! If you do not have this information, please give us a callinstead.


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