What does "Status" mean in my dashboard?

I have a linode VM and when i check the dashboard, there is a "Status" column.

I am wondering what that means. Status from the hypervisor point of view? Or there is an agent installed in my VM that is reporting "everything is up and running"? Or it is just reporting to ping?


1 Reply

The “Status” that you see in the Cloud Manager is indeed a status reported from the hypervisor’s point of view. This status will display when a Linode is provisioning, booting, running, shutting down, or offline. There is not an agent installed on your Linode that is actively reporting this information. The status isn’t referring to if a Linode is responding to pings, as there are many situations where a Linode might not be able to respond to pings despite being running.

In case you are looking for a system monitoring solution, you can check out Longview. Longview is Linode’s system data graphing service that tracks metrics for CPU, memory, and network bandwidth. The Longview client is open source and provides an agent that you can install on any Linux distribution. Longview is free for all customers for up to ten clients.

Another option you have is to check out our One-Click Marketplace for any pre-configured solutions that might meet your needs. The Marketplace allows you to create new Linodes with pre-installed apps and services, making deployment easy for the user. The one I had in mind is our One-Click App for Prometheus & Grafana. Prometheus and Grafana are two open source tools that are very commonly paired together to form a pretty robust system monitoring solution.


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