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Developer Tools

DevOps create a continuous software development and delivery pipeline from development to review, testing, staging, and production environments.

Visualize Your Work with DB Tech!

Get Organized with Kanboard | A Self-Hosted Organization App

In this video, @DBTechYT installs & configures the project management app - Kanboard using a Docker container on Linode.
Developer Tools
Code with Tomi shows how to deploy your own API.

Build And Deploy A Full Django API on Linode with Code With Tomi

In this video, @CodeWithTomi shows how to build and deploy an API on Linode using the Django Rest Framework and a Linux Server.
Developer Tools
Code with Harry shows how to build your own video streaming platform on Linode.

Build Your Own Video Streaming Platform | It’s Easier Than You Might Think!

In this video, ​@CodeWithHarry teaches us how to create a video streaming website using HTML, CSS, and next.js.
Developer Tools

Platform Engineering Is The Next Logical Step From DevOps | Pavel Despot, Akamai

Swapnil sits down with Pavel Despot, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Akamai, to share his insights on where the market is headed.
Developer Tools
Jay LaCroix talks about the fundamentals of SVN.

Fundamentals of svn Top Docs with Jay LaCroix

In this video, @LearnLinuxTV goes over the basics of svn including basic commands and options for your toolset.
Developer Tools
Create a News App featuring Harry holding a sign with the logos of Boostrap, NewsApi, and NGINX.

Build a Fully Featured News App Using NewsAPI and Bootstrap

In this video, @CodeWithHarry demonstrates how you can build a Business News website with News API and Bootstrap UI.
Developer Tools

Deploying a Django App to a Linux Server | Django App from Scratch Part 6

In this video, @CodeWithTomi will show you how to deploy the app we've been working on to a Linode server.
Developer Tools

Easily Create Your Own Scalable Dropbox Clone With Object Storage

In this video, Code with Harry explains how to create your own scalable Dropbox clone using Linode's affordable Object Storage.
Developer Tools

Quickly Authenticate Users with FastAPI and Token Authentication

In this series on API Authentication, Tim explains how to build an authenticated API using Python and FastAPI.
Developer Tools

Finishing a Django Dictionary App | Getting Ready to Deploy Pt 5-6

In this video, Tomi will finish the simple dictionary app that he has been working on and show how to get the app ready for deployment.
Developer Tools
StackShare Top Developer Tools
Maddie Presland

Top StackShare Developer Tools on Marketplace

Feb 6, 2023
by Maddie Presland
StackShare just released its Annual StackShare Awards, naming the best developer tools, many of which you can deploy now on the Linode Marketplace.
Developer Tools
User Authentication in Django featuring Tomi

Databases and User Authentication In Django

In this video on Databases and User Authentication, Tomi will cover managing user authentication and how to create users.
Developer Tools