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Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

Best practices and more for deploying containers, overviews of containerization systems, like Docker, RKT, and LXC, as well as Kubernetes, an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.

Rock de Vocht - SimSage
Rock de Vocht

AI Drives Customer-Centric Search

Through Linode's seamless connection with their preferred Linux operating system, Rock de Vocht moved SimSage's entire infrastructure to Linode.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Headshot of Hillary Wilmoth.

Self-Service Kubernetes Version Upgrades Now Available

Jan 26, 2021
by Hillary Wilmoth
Self-service version upgrades and recycle nodepools are now available in Cloud Manager for Linode Kubernetes Engine.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Kubernetes Simplified Blog Post
Headshot of Hillary Wilmoth.

Kubernetes Simplified: Managing Your Containers

Dec 4, 2020
by Hillary Wilmoth
If you find yourself with too many containers and need an tool for managing your containers, Kubernetes is a sensible solution.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

The Value of Containerization For Small Businesses

In this video, Jay Lyman, Senior Analyst at 451 Research discusses the value of containerized apps and services for businesses.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

Kafka, Knative, Zeebe – Event-Driven Cloud Native Applications Done Right

Learn how tools such as Knative Eventing, Kafka, and Zeebe can be used to build and support highly distributed event-driven applications.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Kubernetes Simplified White Paper

Kubernetes Simplified White Paper

Are you overwhelmed by what’s possible with Kubernetes? Learn more in our white paper. Free download. No email or registration required.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

KubeCon Europe – Virtual

August 17, 2020 - August 20, 2020
Join us virtually on August 17-20 for Kubecon Europe, virtual edition! This is the CNCFs flagship conference, and it gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities from around the world. We look forward to talking with you all online!
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Nigel Poulton

Linode Kubernetes Engine First Impressions

Jul 16, 2020
by Nigel Poulton
I recently delivered a short series of live labs exploring Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE). If I had to use one word to describe LKE, it would be "simple."
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

July Events: Learnk8s Lab Series

Jul 13, 2020
by Linode Events
On July 23 and July 30, the experts at Learnk8s will take a closer look into Kubeflow and Jenkins X with a set of free labs.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

Kubeflow – A Cloud-Native ML Toolbox

In this lab, Salman will discuss the merits of using Kubeflow, an open source Kubernetes-based platform designed to complete non-ML tasks.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Chris Alfano

Bringing the Cloud to the Ground

Chris Alfano was attracted to Linode because of similar commitments to the Philadelphia tech scene and to democratizing cloud computing.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

Linode LIVE! K8s Livestream with Bret Fisher

June 30, 2020
Watch on demand DockerCon Host and Kubernetes expert, ​Bret Fisher​, the Linode Product Development Team, and other special guests as they discuss why the time is right to incorporate Kubernetes into your infrastructure and how Linode has made it as easy and simple for developers to run containerized workloads.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)