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Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

Best practices and more for deploying containers, overviews of containerization systems, like Docker, RKT, and LXC, as well as Kubernetes, an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.

Jon Frederickson

Whitelisting IP Addresses on Kubernetes: What We Learned

Oct 16, 2019
by Jon Frederickson
Linode Systems Engineer Jon “jfred” Frederickson shares his experience building out the IP whitelisting feature for running Kubernetes on Linode. As Linode’s engineering team built out our Kubernetes features, we hit plenty of obstacles, as expected. However, one challenge arose that we weren’t anticipating: how to whitelist applications running in Kubernetes on the infrastructure we […]
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

Rancher 2.3 makes it easier to use Linode for Kubernetes

Oct 8, 2019
by Linode
Rancher 2.3 makes it easier to use Linode for Kubernetes As the Linode community continues to adopt Docker and Kubernetes for their workloads, we started working with Rancher to make it easier to deploy and manage your Kuberenetes clusters with Rancher on Linode. Back in April, we launched the Linode Node Driver for Rancher and […]
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Andrew Sauber

5 Kubernetes Shell Tricks

Oct 2, 2019
by Andrew Sauber
Hi! Andrew here—developer at Linode. In the process of building a managed Kubernetes solution, I’ve discovered and created several tricks that I use to make daily tasks with Kubernetes easier. I wanted to share these five here with you and I hope you find them as helpful as I have. 1. The Meta-Shell Trick I first […]
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon

San Diego, CA
November 18, 2019 - November 21, 2019
We’re off to sunny San Diego for KubeCon North America. This conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud-native communities for four days to advance cloud native computing. We look forward to escaping the cold for a few days and sharing our latest product updates with you.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Blair Lyon

Coming Soon: Linode Kubernetes Engine

Sep 25, 2019
by Blair Lyon
The Linode engineering team has been working overtime to respond to the needs of our customers and the market. We are excited to announce the upcoming launch of the Linode Kubernetes Engine beta program. What to expect? Kubernetes made simpler. Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) is a fully-managed container orchestration engine for deploying and managing containerized […]
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

Introducing A Beginner’s Guide to Kubernetes

Aug 26, 2019
by Linode
Linode’s Documentation team recently released a comprehensive five-part tutorial to help readers discover and implement the Kubernetes container orchestration system, often referred to as k8s. A Beginner’s Guide to Kubernetes answers fundamental questions and introduces essential principles of Kubernetes. The guide is supplemented by a reference and glossary to explain new terminology while progressing through […]
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

July Technical Docs: Kubernetes, Pulumi, and More

Aug 2, 2019
by Linode
Linode’s latest technical docs include a robust beginner’s guide to Kubernetes, how to add WireGuard VPN security measures, and how to use Pulumi for your Linodes. Take a look and leave a comment on the docs to share your feedback. Kubernetes resources A Beginner’s Guide to Kubernetes A robust, five-part series to help you better […]
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

How to Deploy Kubernetes on Linode with the k8s-alpha CLI

The Linode k8s-alpha CLI is a plugin for the Linode CLI that offers quick, single-command deployments of Kubernetes clusters on your Linode account.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

Installing Apps on Kubernetes with Helm 3

Helm is a tool that assists with installing and managing applications on Kubernetes clusters.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

A Beginner’s Guide to Kubernetes

Kubernetes, often referred to as k8s, is an open source container orchestration system that helps deploy and manage containerized applications.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)

Install GitLab with Docker

This guide will show you how to install GitLab using the official GitLab Docker image.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Getting Started

Container Instrumentation with the Elastic Stack

In this guide, you will set up a Linode to analyze and visualize container logs and metrics using tools like Kibana, Beats, and Elasticsearch.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)